One hour webinar
No matter what their scope may be, all green programs face similar challenges in regard to outreach, education and engagement.
Social media channels can be cost-effective and powerful tools for spreading your message – if you are using the right channels in the right way and not treating social media as an afterthought. But it can be hard to know what it will take to ensure your message rises above the noise.
In this webinar, Don Stanley, an internationally recognized college educator, speaker, and marketing consultant, will discuss the fundamentals of effective social media strategies and share…
• why we must use social media, whether we like it or not
• how we can effectively incorporate social media into our busy work calendars
• and how to choose the best network and content strategy for your organization
About the Speaker

Don Stanley is an internationally recognized college educator, speaker, and marketing and sales consultant. As the co-founder of Wisconsin-based 3RhinoMedia, he has personal spoke to, lead workshops for and coached a wide array of clients ranging from Fortune 500 companies, international organizations, NBA, NHL and NFL athletes, start-ups and non-profits. One fun fact is Don has consulted with organizations on all 7 continents and he was a professional dog trainer (he loves dogs). Don is often asked to share his perspectives on digital media and he has been featured on some of the top business blogs in the world including the Content Marketing Institute and Mark Schaefer’s He also has been featured on Marketplace Radio, This American Life, ABC News, CBS News, NBC News and he is a regular guest on Wisconsin Public Radio. In addition to his work at 3RhinoMedia, Don is an award-winning faculty member at the University of Wisconsin-Madison where he teaches courses on social media and digital marketing.