One hour webinar
It’s been evident for some time now that when the right pieces are in place, Twitter posts can affect what large numbers of people think or do. This is a tantalizing possibility for any group with an environmental mission, as progress toward goals such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions depends largely on individual decisions and actions.
Few of us can accumulate as many followers as the average pop star simply by showing up on Twitter.
What does it take to build an effective strategy and meaningful connections on Twitter that can lead to real-world impact? This webinar will help to answer this question by addressing topics including:
• How to find valuable connections
• How to build meaningful connections that grow your following and serve your mission
• How to engage your community in a thoughtful and creative way.
• simple secrets to creating retweet-worthy content.
• Real world examples of Do’s and Don’ts.
About the Speaker

Don Stanley is an internationally recognized college educator, speaker, and marketing and sales consultant. As the co-founder of Wisconsin-based 3RhinoMedia, he has spoken to, led workshops for and coached a wide array of clients ranging from Fortune 500 companies, international organizations, NBA, NHL and NFL athletes, start-ups and non-profits. One fun fact is Don has consulted with organizations on all 7 continents and he was a professional dog trainer (he loves dogs). Don is often asked to share his perspectives on digital media and he has been featured on some of the top business blogs in the world including the Content Marketing Institute and Mark Schaefer’s He also has been featured on Marketplace Radio, This American Life, ABC News, CBS News, NBC News and he is a regular guest on Wisconsin Public Radio. In addition to his work at 3RhinoMedia, Don is an award-winning faculty member at the University of Wisconsin-Madison where he teaches courses on social media and digital marketing.